
Mostrando entradas de agosto, 2022

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Ask Permission To Print.

  Ever had a student try to print one page but, oh no, they printed the same page 100 times!? My solution is to ask permission to print. I have trained my students to put their hands up whenever they want to print.  I come around, check what they want to print, ensure it’s only printing the right pages the right amount of times… then give the tick of approval.  It saves paper, ink, time, and frustration. 123RF. (s. f.).  Stock Photo . https://www.123rf.com/photo_20517165_computer-class-looking-at-teacher-pointing-on-projection-screen-in-college.html Seymour Johnson Air Force Base. (s. f.).  Team Seymour leads ACC in energy conservation . https://www.seymourjohnson.af.mil/News/Photos/igphoto/2000119052/

Save Often.

if something goes wrong, and you Didn't save your work. You are in Problems. Drew, C., PhD. (2022, 5 julio).  17 Best Computer Lab Rules (2022) . Helpful Professor. https://helpfulprofessor.com/computer-lab-rules/

Ask Permission To Download.

This rule is a catch-all for preventing all bad downloads. It prevents downloading of games, viruses, software, different browser versions, updates, etc. etc. etc. Usually, I simply say to my students that there is no reason to download anything. If there is, I’ll usually manage the download in a very controlled, teacher-centered scenario. So, the “Ask permission” rule could, depending on what you’re teaching, change to simply: “No Downloading. Ever.” Bartley, M. (2022, 29 julio).  Fixed: 'Sorry, You Are Not Allowed To Access This Page' Error . BlogVault. https://blogvault.net/sorry-you-are-not-allowed-to-access-this-page-wordpress/

Don’t Change The Settings.

Ever logged onto a computer and realized… damnit, a student has done something here. Some smart alec has made the cursor move really fast, or made it make a fart noise every time you click. Or the computer’s default language is now Russian. The most common one, though, is a new background screen … made on MS paint, of course (hello, 1995). So I simply reinforce the rule: don’t change the settings. Any settings. At all  Period. Rules of the Lab . (s. f.). Mrs. Adams. https://www.adamscomputerclass.com/rules-of-the-lab.html (s. f.).  Settings icon. Cogwheel engineering tool sign. Vector . Colourbox. https://www.colourbox.com/vector/settings-icon-cogwheel-engineering-tool-sign-vector-vector-38491649

Wash Your Hands Before Using The Computer.

Students walk into the classroom with dirty, sticky and snooty hands   all the time . This is especially true of classes that take place straight after a lunch break. I enforce a “wash your hands before class” rule. No one wants sticky keyboard that, so one or later, will end up with with broken and useless keys.

No Food Or Drinks.

I actually like letting my students have food and drinks in class. I usually approve of drink bottles on the desk to sustain hydration and general health. But I don’t let students have food and drinks around technology – ever. One spill and that’s the end of a $700 piece of equipment. Eeek! Your boss will be mad as hell at you for letting the students get food and drink anywhere near this valuable tech.

No Going On Websites That Are Not Approved.

  This rule can be a catch-all for preventing the distractions of endless (and unrelated) internet searches. One way to do this is to create a list of “approved sites”. However, I’ve found this restricts students from having the freedom to make the most of the internet. So, instead, consider a list of websites that you don’t want your students to use, such as: Social Media Websites. Gaming Websites. Sites Unrelated to the Task. Cerceo, D. (2019, 9 marzo).  Mother, may I? Setting up an iPhone to ask for permission before downloading new apps . Profection Security. https://profection.net/mother-may-i-setting-up-an-iphone-to-ask-for-permission-before-downloading-new-apps/ Save Often by cresendo . (s. f.). TeePublic. https://www.teepublic.com/sticker/3103491-save-often SPOKANE PUBLIC SCHOOLS COMPUTER LAB PROCEDURES . (s. f.). ppt download. https://slideplayer.com/slide/12917384/ 

Eyes On The Speak

  It is so frustrating when you start speaking and. the whole class keep clicking away at their screen. For some reason, computers are just  so  addictive for students. They will be so engrossed in their task that they totally ignore your voice.

Turn Monitors Off When Asked.

Another way of reinforcing the “Pay attention to your teacher!” rule is to make all the students turn their monitors off when you’re giving instructions or having a class discussion. When monitors go black, the computer stops being a distraction. It’s rendered impossible to use. If you’re in a lab with laptops, this rule would change to “Close your Laptop when Asked.” Or, if it’s iPads, simply: “Turn screens facing down”. This is a really effective way of forcing concentration when you’re giving instructions.